hi, there! I'm so glad that you have arrived here. The blog is a reflection of how I approach life. It has twists and turns and maybe a surprise or two if you keep your eyes peeled. Go on an adventure, get lost for a moment, and have no fear - you can always find your way back. Get in touch when you are ready. Your love story is epic, your photos should be, too.


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wayfaring wanderer blog



wedding planning


   Welcome to Part 2 of 10 Things You Can Do With Dandelions. If you missed part one, I would encourage you to take a look back by visiting the above link. Among the other five dandelion recipes, you will also find a list of potential health benefits on the previous post. If you weren’t […]


10 Things You Can Do with Dandelions (Part 2)


  When you think of dandelions, does it evoke nostalgic childhood memories? Maybe it conjures thoughts of what a nuisance it can be for a ‘well-maintained’ lawn? I don’t know about you, but I happen to love when yards are blanketed with a thick sea of sunny  clusters, especially mine. However, dandelions can be viewed differently depending on who is asked. Some might see […]


10 Things You Can Do with Dandelions (Part 1)


Posted in: My World Tuesday     I’m sad that the Bradford Pears have pretty much passed their prime here in the high country. At least this spring I was motivated enough to get out and shoot some photos of the pearly white blossoms before they faded.      Right now, I’m seeing more of the Japanese […]


Pearly White Posies


In my last post, A Preview of Puerto Rico, I left out all of the delectable details regarding the Puerto Rican cuisine we sampled while we were on the island. It wasn’t because I forgot, it was because I thought the food deserved a post all its own! We tried so many wonderful things that […]


Pleasing Your Palate in Puerto Rico


I get a little too happy when the flowers begin to bloom. And I am especially loving the bursts of bright yellow frequently seen while out and about. This forsythia bush (pictured above) was just a street over from the house, I couldn’t resist popping over to steal a few shots. Okay, maybe more than […]


Spring has Sprung!


The extent of our Puerto Rico explorations took place on the eastern part of the island, the vast majority of that time was spent in the heart of historic Old San Juan. Weather conditions upon our arrival and throughout our trip weren’t always favorable, but we were given a pretty good mixture of sunny and […]


A Preview of Puerto Rico