Hey, hey, heyyyyy! My name is Jessica (aka Wayfaring Wanderer) and I am a free-spirited photographer who loves working with couples, individuals, and families who are committed to travel, adventure, and laid-back lifestyles. I've lived in the Boone, NC area since 2005 and I'm known for capturing the spirit of the folks I photograph—the expressions, gestures, and details that are outward expressions of our innermost selves. While I'm primarily a wedding + elopement photographer, I also love working w/ individuals/couples/families that are traveling to the High Country area to getaway to the mountains. I absolutely love what I do and am so grateful to work with some of the most amazing people in one of the most beautiful places EVAR. Let’s go on an adventure!
Since Morgan & Tucker are getting married at the Grandfather Golf and Country Club, they thought it would be a great location for their engagement pictures. The couple loves to get away to the mountains and they’ve spent a lot of time at the club so it’s a special place where they’ve already created so many fond memories.
Originally, we were supposed to do their engagement photos back in the fall but things didn’t work out so we rescheduled their session for early this spring. Although it still feels like winter most days here in Boone, NC, we’re getting closer to those warmer temps that everybody’s dreaming about. It was a nice preview of the mountains before their wedding day. The weather was overcast but unusually warm.
GGCC pretty much felt like a ghost town, we had the whole place to ourselves. We walked around the closed clubhouse with their cute lil’ pup, Asher, happily in tow. He was such an adorable dog that had us cracking up the whole time. I love when my couples include their furry family members in their engagement photos.
Our time together was relaxed and fun. We laughed, chatted about wedding planning, and popped a bottle of champagne which resulted in some awesome expressions that I enjoyed capturing. Tucker was having a ball spraying it all over the place! Asher didn’t know what to think but he still gleefully participated.
It was a blast spending time with these two + their puppy! I’m so excited about photographing their wedding at the Grandfather Golf and Country Club this fall!
Grandfather Golf & Country Club Engagement Photos
How did you two meet? And how long have you been dating?
Morgan: “We met at a house party Tucker was throwing for a bunch of friends who were in town to celebrate UVA playing in the NCAA tournament in Charlotte. Through a friend of a friend, I received an invitation and thought, “why not?” I didn’t have many friends in town at the time and thought it was a perfect way to expand my circle. We struck up a conversation that night and the rest is history. We have now been together for 2.5 years and will be at the3.5 year marker when we say “I do” this fall.”
Where was your first date? What did you do?
Morgan: “Our first date was at the Speedway Club at Charlotte Motor Speedway. This is a more upscale restaurant where many of the VIPs of the track come to eat. Having a mutual connection to NASCAR (He had been on a pit crew and I was working for a team) this seemed like the perfect spot to get to know one another.”
The Proposal
Morgan: “Tucker woke me up giddy as always to try and go work out that morning. Since I was back home in Ohio, all I wanted to do was sleep-in in my warm, childhood bed. However, Tucker being Tucker, he got me to get up and go workout.
When we returned home he seemed to be on a tight time-frame and wanted to get out of the house to go walk around my college campus (The University of Cincinnati). Again, knowing Tucker liked to have things organized, I really didn’t see this as being weird at all. Before we left the house, my parents were headed out the door to go to the attorney’s office, or so I thought. Again, this was not weird to me either as they had just flipped and sold a house, and are currently about to start on my grandmother’s home. Proving I am an extremely gullible person.
Once we arrived down on campus, Tucker and I began walking around exploring around the old athletic facilities where I have some of my fondest memories of exciting games, practices, and team gatherings. We headed down to the football field and walked out on the turf. Not more than a minute later we heard someone yelling,”hey!” We turned around and saw a security guard making his way over to us to get off of the field. We quickly scooted back up into the stands. While standing there, Tucker decided he needed to go talk to this security guard. I could only chalk it up to him wanting to say it was a public campus and the field was always open. Little did I know he was going over there to tell the guy that he was about to propose to me on that field and would not be doing it in the bleachers.
I was in no mood to be scolded, so I attempted to walk out of the stadium. Tucker kept calling me back and begging me to walk out on the field. After many attempts at getting me down, I finally caved and decided if I went out on the field for 5 seconds, he would be content and we could continue our campus tour.
However, once my feet hit the turf, Tucker reached into his backpack and pulled out a little black box. Tears were instantaneous and I could barely breathe. After saying yes, both of our families popped up from the top of the bleachers were I was trying to escape and started cheering. A moment I will never forget.“
What do you like to do for fun together?! Where can you be found on the weekends?
Morgan: “Tucker and I love to explore. We spend some weekends up in the mountains climbing Grandfather Mountain on each trail that eventually leads to the peak. Many of our weekends are spent with friends or family on little weekend getaways. We spend a lot of time in North Myrtle Beach or up in the mountains. Anywhere we can see this beautiful earth God has created. We both are still very loyal to our universities and do our best each weekend to catch a football/basketball game for our schools.
Since we are picking up our puppy this weekend, I can imagine many of our upcoming weekends will be spent with friends and family members who have dogs getting our little guy socialized and used to people.”
CONGRATULATIONS, Morgan + Tucker! Thank you so much for choosing this Boone wedding photographer to capture your Grandfather Golf & Country Club engagement photos. I hope you enjoy this sneak peek of what’s to come. Can’t wait to deliver all the goodness! ❤
My name is Jessica and I’m a wedding, engagement and lifestyle photographer based in Boone, NC. I’m known for capturing the spirit of the folks I photograph–the expressions, gestures, and details that are outward expressions of our innermost selves. I love working with couples, individuals and families who are committed to travel, adventure, and laid-back lifestyles. If you think we might be kindreds, I invite you to connect with me!
I can't wait TO CONNECT WITH YOU ANd hear more about your special day!
the mountains are calling...
Thank you so much for taking the time to contact me. I'm truly grateful to do what I love and I appreciate your time and consideration in advance! My response time is 24-hours for all wedding, engagement, and family photography inquiries. I look forward to connecting with you soon! In the meantime, let's be friends on Instagram. I love sharing a behind-the-scenes look at life in Boone, NC as a wedding photographer!