hi, there! I'm so glad that you have arrived here. The blog is a reflection of how I approach life. It has twists and turns and maybe a surprise or two if you keep your eyes peeled. Go on an adventure, get lost for a moment, and have no fear - you can always find your way back. Get in touch when you are ready. Your love story is epic, your photos should be, too.


welcome to the

wayfaring wanderer blog



wedding planning


(I didn’t take any photos this weekend so here’s this kid next to a snowman) It snowed on Sunday, I mean all day Sunday……………I hate to admit that I didn’t even step foot out of the house but, I didn’t.I kept thinking that I needed to get up and take some shots of the snow, […]




This weekend proved to me once again why I am so very thankful when the sun shines. The weather of last week can get you down right depressed when the deficiency of the sun lasts that many days in a row. By Saturday morning I felt normal again, and was ready to get outside and […]


The Prodigal SUN Returns…………..